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6 Tips to Take Care of Your Glass Windows

Glass windows make your home or store more appealing. The glass also brings the outdoors into the house. However, the windows will appear dull and fail to function if you don't take good care of them.

This guide provides tips for maintaining your glass windows.

1. Keep Sprinklers Away

Using automatic sprinklers to irrigate your lawn saves time and water. However, the sprinklers can release water that hits your glass windows. Repeated splashing on the glass windows can lead to scale buildup. You will have a hard time removing the scale buildup from your windows.

If you notice sprinkler water hitting your glass windows, adjust the sprinkler. Ensure that the automatic sprinklers do not point towards glass windows. Also, use a manual sprinkler to water plants near the glass windows.

2. Reseal Annually

Glass windows make your house more attractive but can reduce your home's energy efficiency. Windows have seals between the frame and the glass to reduce heat loss. These seals may become less effective over time. As a result, heat and cold will enter your house via the spaces between the windows and the frames.

A common approach is to do regular inspections of the seals. Confirm the tightness of each seal on every window. Once you notice any problem, contact a professional to do resealing. 

3. Wash Window Panes Regularly to Prevent Condensation

Condensation on the glass reduces visibility and allows moisture to enter your home. Prevent this problem by thoroughly cleaning your window panes every few days. Remember to utilize gentle cleaning materials, such as microfiber cloths.

If you use tough cleaning materials, the glass may crack. Ideally, most of the cleaning should happen on the interior parts of the windows. The exterior section doesn't require as much regular cleaning, but you should probably wash it at least once each month. The cleaning frequency may increase during the wet months when more moisture is in the air.

4. Schedule Repairs As Soon As You Identify Window Damages

Glass damages tend to become more expensive if you don't fix them. Therefore, always be on the lookout for any damage to the glass windows. 

Once you spot any mishap, contact a plumber immediately. Early intervention helps you to avoid costly repairs later on. 

5. Check the Weatherstripping

Weatherstripping blocks the entry of moisture and air via the windows. This window feature also blocks moisture from getting inside your house. The stripping will wear out and become less functional with time. Consequently, you have to inspect the weatherstripping once in a while to verify its condition.

Wash the stripping regularly to prevent the accumulation of debris and dirt on it. If the stripping shows signs of wearing out or becoming old, call a professional to install new stripping. 

6. Organize Regular Inspections

Some glass window problems may not be immediately apparent to most homeowners. Hence, you may need help from a professional glass expert. The expert can inspect your windows twice every year.

Window inspections will check the status of the exterior of the windows. The experts can check the seals and clear any debris. Some window pros even clean the windows to prevent further damage. 

Other inspection activities include opening and closing the windows to see if they operate smoothly.

Protect Your Glass Windows

Glass windows are one of the best features in any home. The glass increases visibility and makes your home more attractive. Consequently, you need to take good care of your glass windows. Such an undertaking will go on smoothly if you work with glass experts like Concord Glass.

We provide glass for commercial and residential premises. Contact us to discuss how we can help you.

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